Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Live Migrating Virtual Machines in KVM Without Shared Storage (with scripts!)

The last few weeks I've been working on redistributing our KVM guests amongst our host systems at the datacenters. Unfortunately, this process is slow and labor intensive due to some legacy design (the state of which is steadily improving). One of the few remaining items on the improvements list, some big, fast shared storage. After several frustrating days of hunting down system custodians, coordinating maintenance windows, shutting down services, scping files and battling with fussy services upon reboot I decided I had to come up with a better solution. This post will walk you through my process for migrating a VM between two hosts on the same network using local storage.

If you're interested, there's a whole lot of really great information on the libvirt migration page about how libvirt handles migrations. After a brief read of this page, a few more searches around the net and a brief study of the man pages I came up with the following command:

virsh migrate --live \
--persistent \
--undefinesource \
--copy-storage-all \
--verbose \
--desturi [destination] [vm_name]

The key to this command is the --copy-storage-all command. This will copy the contents of the source image file to the destination. Before we can run this command, though, we need to create a representation of the image on the destination server, preferably in the same location. Since I use sparsely allocated qcow2 files, I will be using qemu-img with the "qcow2" format flag. If you are using something different, you should create the destination image the same way as you created the original source image. This file should be the same size as the source image:

qemu-img create -f qcow2 /vm_storage/[my_vm].img

Once you've created the file on the destination server, you are almost ready to kick off migration. First we need to make sure you can connect to the remote host. You can test this with virsh:

virsh -c qemu+ssh://[remote_host]/system -l

If all goes well, you should see a list of the VMs on the remote host. You may, however, receive an error or an empty list (assuming it shouldn't be empty). If this happens, you probably need to add the following pkla file which allows the group your user is in to connect to the remote libvirt socket. I've provided the policykit file contents below:

[Remote libvirt SSH access]

Change "MY_GROUP" to whatever group you want to use. Wheel is a good choice if your user is a member. On a Redhat/CentOS system, save this file as /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/50-libvirt-remote-access.pkla and try again.

Once you're able to successfully run the test above, you can try to migrate your VM. I've provided an example below. Run this as the user who is a member of the group we added to the pkla file above. You should probably also run this inside of a tmux or screen session as it will take a while to complete:

virsh migrate --live --persistent --undefinesource --copy-storage-all \
--verbose --desturi qemu+ssh://[remote_host]/system [vm_name]

If all goes well, you should receive a progress indicator that will progress slowly. In my tests, a 100GB VM with 4GB of RAM under minimal load took about 15 minute to transfer over a 1GbE network.

This script should be run from the source VM host. It will handle creating the img file on the destination host and do some sanity checking for you:

# Change libvirt default URI to allow enforecement by the pkla file
export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:///system

# Are you root?
if [[ "$UID" == "0" ]]
  echo "You can not run migrate as root"
  exit 1

# Exit if not running in screen or tmux
if [[ -z "$TMUX" ]] || [[ "$TERM" != "screen" ]]
  echo "You must run migrations in either screen or tmux. Aborting."

# Confirmation
read -p "You are about to move ${vm} to ${dest_host}. Are you sure? y/N " -n 1 -r

# Check if VM exists
if ! virsh list --all | awk '{print $2}' | grep -q "$vm"
  echo "$vm does not exist on this server. Aborting."
  exit 1

# Check if remote destination exists
if ! host "$dest_host" > /dev/null
  echo "Unable to reach $dest_host. Aborting."
  exit 1

# Check that we are forwarding ssh agent
if [[ -z "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]]
  echo "Please exit and re-connect using ssh's -A flag"
  exit 1

# Get VM size (this is ugly)
# TODO: Make this handle multiple disks. Right now it will only work if the
#       img file is named the same as the host and there is only one file
disk_size=$(virsh vol-info --pool default "${vm}".img | awk '/Capacity/ {print $2}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')

# Create remote disk
if ! ssh "${dest_host}" "[[ ! -f ${storage}/${vm}.img ]] && sudo qemu-img create -f qcow2 ${storage}/${vm}.img ${disk_size}G"
  echo "Unable to create image file ${storage}/${vm}.img on ${dest_host}. Confirm that this does not already exist and try again."
  exit 1

# Migrate VM to new host
virsh migrate --live --persistent --undefinesource --copy-storage-all --verbose --desturi qemu+ssh://"${dest_host}"/system "${vm}"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
  echo "Migration complete. A copy of the VM image file still resides on the old host inside of ${storage}."
  read -n 1 -p "Do you want to delete ${storage}/${vm}.img now? y/N " -r del
  if [ "$del" == "y" ]
    rm -f "${storage}"/"${vm}".img
  echo "The migration does not appear to have completed cleanly. Cleaning up remote host and exiting."
  ssh "${dest_host}" "[[ ! -f ${storage}/${vm}.img ]] && sudo rm -f ${storage}/${vm}.img"
  exit 1

exit 0

Invoke the script as follows:

script [vm_name] [destination_server]

Good luck!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Native screen lock and suspend on FreeBSD

For some time I've tinkered with FreeBSD. Mainly on my home file server. Sometimes on a Raspberry Pi and most recently on laptops. I had been running FreeBSD 11-current on my old Thinkpad X61 for the last few months while waiting for 11.0 to be released. The X61 being an older laptop, however, made compiling updates a tedious and boring process so I rarely used it. Well, the wait is over! FreeBSD 11.0 Beta-1 was released on July 8th, 2016. I've installed it on the X61 and we're back business! This time around, however, I wanted to challenge myself to minimize my use of non-native packages and see how much I could get done with what FreeBSD provides out of the box.

Right off the bat I'm going to tell you that, unless you want to run FreeBSD without X, you have to install at least a couple of ports. Xorg, at a minimum. I opted to install Xorg and use Fluxbox as my window manager. Everything was wonderful. Outside of those two ports, I had a fully functional laptop. I didn't even have to resort to Google for answers to my questions thanks to FreeBSD's awesome handbook which is included right there in the base installation!

One problem remained. The problem that plagues every Linux and BSD user. Lid triggered suspend/resume. Without this feature, it's a lot harder to use your laptop (or at least more annoying to have to shut it down and start it up constantly). Thankfully, I knew from my past experiences that the X61 had perfect suspend/resume support using the native `hw.acpi.lid_switch_state` setting in sysctl.conf. Set that puppy to "S3" and you're off and running. There is just one problem. This does not lock your screen so anyone who opens your laptop while it's asleep can just jump right on and use the computer as your user. I needed to find a way to lock the screen before suspend kicked in.

In the past, I have installed xfce-power-manager and this has handled everything very neatly for me. This time, however, I was trying to minimize the number of ports installed on the system and see how far I could get with just the native tools. Enter devd.

For those coming from Linux, devd is FreeBSD's udev. You can configure actions based on hardware events. After reading the man pages, guess what!? It supports a "Lid" ACPI subsystem trigger with a 0 and a 1 state. A simple config file added to /etc/devd/ and we're in business. But what should we use to lock the screen? This comes down to personal preference. I've always liked and used xscreensaver. Others may prefer slock or xlock. Whichever you choose is up to you. Heck, there might even be one included in the base system. I just never explored that since I prefer xscreensaver. Install whichever you would like from ports and continue on to the next section.

Once I had xscreensaver installed, I created a file called "lidlock.conf" inside of /etc/devd/. This is a dump of this file:

notify 20 {
    match "system"    "ACPI";
    match "subsystem" "Lid";
    match "notify"    "0x00";
    action "/usr/bin/su [my_user] -c '/usr/local/bin/xscreensaver-command -display :0.0 -lock'";
    action "acpiconf -s3";

The only part about that you have to change is the "[my_user]". Set that to your user and you'll be all set. This example also assumes you have a single user system. If there are other users on your system and you don't always want xscreensaver running as your user you might consider creating a special user just for this purpose. You could also just leave off the 'su -c' entirely and run xscreensaver-command directly. I chose to run it as an unprivileged user, however, for security reasons.

Once you have this saved inside /etc/devd you can restart devd and it should work. Note that I had issues doing it this way, however, and had to actually restart my entire system before the config file was picked up. I'm not sure why. You will also want to make sure you have 'hw.acpi.lid_switch_state' inside of /etc/sysctl.conf set to "NONE" or it will trigger before devd can run this custom action and you'll spend hours trying to figure out why (trust me).

Anyway, that's it! Enjoy your FreeBSD laptop!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Building RPMs with Docker-Cookery

Earlier this year I started a new chapter in my career. With this new position comes some new challenges and the need to learn some new tools. One of the tool sets we use is called FPM which we manage the FPM-Cookery project. An aspect of our package management system that I've found particularly interesting (at least viewed through the lens of my past experience) is that package builds are all done locally by the package maintainer and uploaded to our Pulp server. Of course, this would not be terribly interesting in itself except for the fact that everyone within the ops team (with a few exceptions) uses a Macbook Pro, not a CentOS or Fedora based system. To facilitate local package builds on a non-rpm based system, we've employed the use of docker containers with the aid of Docker Machine

My exposure to Docker up to this point had been purely academic. I'd read through some tutorials and official documentation. I'd gone so far as to deploy Owncloud and Postgres together via docker and had it running successfully in a test environment for several moths (until ultimately deciding to scrap it and return to a more traditional VM based approach in production). But I'd never really had any exposure to using Docker as part of a large production environment.

To help myself learn a little more about Docker and FPM-Cookery, I've taken it upon myself to build some shell wrappers which can easily automate the process of generating fpm-cookery recipes and building them using Docker. I'm calling the project "Docker-Cookery". While the tools are still a work in progress, I've made everything publicly available on Github. Please feel free to read through the documentation and submit feedback or pull requests.